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Money Management Subliminal

The Money Management Subliminal by NeoOneness Subliminals is a powerful audio program that can help you improve your financial habits and mindset. This subliminal contains a max of 5 positive affirmations designed to reprogram your subconscious mind and align it with the principles of wealth and abundance. By listening to this subliminal regularly, you will develop a positive attitude towards money, increase your income and opportunities, save and invest wisely, and spend your money on things that bring you joy and value.  Play this at a low volume and on repeat for best results.

Affirmations within this subliminal:
- I manage my money wisely and responsibly now.
- I am grateful for the income and opportunities that come my way.
- I am saving and investing for my future goals and dreams.
- I use my money on things that add value and joy to my life now
- I am abundant and prosperous in all areas of my life now

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