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Mental Health Subliminal

Unlock your inner well-being and cultivate a positive mindset with our Mental Health Subliminal. Crafted by NeoOneness Subliminals, this powerful audio program combines soothing background music with carefully embedded affirmations that effectively reprogram your subconscious mind. Designed to work seamlessly with your daily routine. Listen while you work, exercise, and even during restful sleep.  Experience the transformative effects of our Mental Health Subliminal. Let your subconscious absorb these empowering messages, leading to lasting improvements in your mental and emotional well-being.


Contact us through the contact page to request the full affirmation list of this subliminal.

A customized version of this is available for purchase upon request.

Disclaimer: Results may vary. This subliminal audio is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

Mental Health Subliminal cover.png

Some affirmations within
this subliminal:

-I am a strong and capable person now

-I can effectively and efficiently overcome any form of situation now

-Challenges make me more resilient.

-I am comfortable taking on challenges now

-I express myself well to other people now

Limited time offer!


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