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Audio Subliminal
(Free version)

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Minimalism is intentionally living with only the things that you really need. The important items that support your life's purpose. Focusing on removing the distraction of excess possessions so you can focus more on those things that matter most.  It is the opposite of consumerism that modern-day culture often encourages people to take part in.

With the consistent use of this audio subliminal, you will be enthused to start living a minimalistic lifestyle!  Consistent use for at least 3 months or longer is required to perceive major results that will stick and become automatic within your subconscious mind.  Results do vary and some people have experienced results as soon as 2 weeks from 1st utilizing this subliminal!

This is the free version of the minimalist subliminal.  This can be customized to modify and/or add more affirmations for an additional fee.  Click here to request and purchase a customized version.  

Click the "download single" button on the media player below to download the mp3 to any electronic device.  Download it to a safe and easily accessible area.

For ultimate results, play this subliminal while you sleep each night!  You can play it with your head/earphones on during sleep (uncomfortable for many people), or play it on a device at a fair distance away from you without them (on a smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc).  A nightstand is fair enough.  Make sure you play it at a low volume to keep your sleep from being disrupted!  Volume levels between 2 and 7 on average are best.  Choose what's most comfortable for you.
All of NeoOneness Subliminals subliminal's as standard are designed to be played any time of the day.  The more you play them for your subconscious mind to hear, the faster the results.
NOTE: If people are around you then only play this with headphones or earphones. This can also be played without headphones or earphones. This audio subliminal doesn't need to be played above the 40 volume level.  On average, keep it between 40 as max volume level or below.  What's most important is that it is being played above the 0 volume level!

Affirmations contained within this subliminal:

-I am a minimalist now
-I only hang onto people, places, and things that matter to me most now
-I live a simple and carefree lifestyle now
-I am worthy of having a life filled with happiness, prosperity, and contentment now
-I choose to focus on the simplicity of everything in my life now
-It is effortless for me to be clean and organized now
-I live with purpose now

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