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Do you want to rap like a pro and impress everyone with your skills? Do you want to unleash your creativity and confidence as a hip-hop rapper? If so, you need the Enhanced Rap Skills Subliminal by NeoOneness Subliminals.

This subliminal audio is a powerful tool that will reprogram your subconscious mind and help you manifest your rap dreams. By listening to this subliminal, you will:

-Develop a talent and passion for rap music
-Write catchy and meaningful lyrics that resonate with your audience
-Rap with clarity, fluency, and rhythm over any beat
-Improvise and freestyle with ease and confidence
-Collaborate and learn from other rappers and artists -Handle criticism and feedback with grace and humility -Overcome any challenge or obstacle that comes your way

And much more!

The Enhanced Rap Skills Subliminal by NeoOneness Subliminals uses positive and powerful affirmations that are just below the level of conscious awareness. This means that you won't hear them consciously but your subconscious mind will absorb and integrate them easily. This way, you can bypass any mental blocks or resistance that may be holding you back from rapping your best.

This subliminal is a must-have for anyone who wants to rap like a superstar and achieve their rap goals. It will transform your mindset and skills, and help you become the rap legend you always wanted to be. Don't wait any longer, order your copy today and start rapping your way to success!

NOTE: After purchase, if you are interested in the affirmation list for this subliminal, send an email from the Contact Us page to request it.  Use the subject title "Enhanced Rap Skills Affirmation list".
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