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Subliminal Learning: Hack into your
subconscious database!

How Subliminal Learning Works


Our regular conscious way of learning is through repeated experience and practice; through this process, the new information will be stored deep within your mind on an unconscious level. This is how we learn to ride a bicycle, learn math, or even develop our confidence and establish self-beliefs for example.


Subliminal learning bypasses this conscious experience and practice stage and sends information directly to your unconscious mind. If the same subliminal messages are sent frequently enough this will lead to the same outcome, i.e. a shift in your self-beliefs. The only difference is that the shift comes naturally, from within!


We are all exposed to subliminal messages every day due to the massive amounts of information we are exposed to, and our limited capacity to consciously register it.  As a result, this may lead to small changes in our minds, or over time if you are exposed to the same subliminal information over and over then there will be lasting changes.


Viewing a subliminal message video or listening to a subliminal audio is simply a way to counteract this and take control of your own mind and life.  By targeting subliminal messages consistently at your subconscious mind, in larger and focused quantities you can make major positive changes in any area of your life.


Subliminal videos and audio can be used to improve any area of your life - from deep internal changes to improvements in the physical body. For example, you can increase your motivation, boost your self-esteem, treat illnesses and phobias, the possibilities are endless - even subliminal language learning is possible!


How the subliminal videos work


The subliminal videos have transparent text of affirmations moving just like end credits of a movie except at a much faster rate.  The transparency and fast rate further allows the messages to bypass the viewer's conscious mind and go directly to their subconscious mind.  It isn't meant for the text to be fully visible to the viewer.  Consistent exposure of the video will eventually change a person's beliefs about whatever the subliminal video is about.


How subliminal audios work


Subliminal audios work in the same transparent way except it is audio only.  Usually, there is some form of a music track playing and the audio affirmations are being played at a very low volume.  The volume of the affirmations are at a very low level to prevent the listener from being able to consciously hear them.  This way, the affirmations make their way directly to their subconscious mind to make a direct change of beliefs.


It is recommended that you view your subliminal videos or listen to your subliminal audios at least 2 times or more daily.  The prime times for viewing are sometime between 15-20 minutes after waking in the AM (preferably between 5-10 minutes of awakening), and right before bedtime.  These are moments when your subconscious mind is most receptive to the messages.  The more you view the videos or listen to the audios, the more likely you will perceive and experience results faster.

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